Effects of the Consciousness Field on Concrete (ASR)

Authors Bahareh Kazazi, Mohammad Ali Taheri
Publication date Apr 18, 2022
Journal Journal of Cosmointel
Volume cover_issue_9_en_US Vol. 1 No. 8
Pages 50 to 73
Publisher Cosmointel Inc.


The Alkali-silica reaction of concrete is known as one of the destructive reactions. There are many of studies in this area. Consciousness Field (H) has been introduced by Mohammad Ali Taheri as a new Field. This Field is neither matter nor energy, therefore, doesn’t possess a quantity, but it has direct effect on both matter and energy.  In other words, although CF(H) isn’t directly measurable, we can investigate its effects indirectly by various controlled experiments. In this study, cement mortar samples were examined using the ASTM C1260 standard and under the effect of a type of CF (H). Additional experiments, aggregate petrography, LOI, SEM, XRD, XRF, FTIR were performed to further investigate the effect of CF(H).

It was found that the CF (H) was able to reduce the expansion and improve the cement mortar function by up to 10% (average ̴̴7% P- value=0.008) and make observable changes in chemical and elemental compositions.

Keywords: ASR concrete silica alkali reaction, Consciousness Field, Consciousness, Intelligence  

Citation:  Kazazi, B., & Taheri, M. A. (2022). Effect of Taheri Consciousness Bond Field on the Structure and Properties of Aluminum. Journal of Cosmointel, 1(8), 74–87. Retrieved from https://journalofcosmointel.com/index.php/journalofcosmointel/article/view/65​