The Distinction of Taheri Consciousness Fields from Conventional Physical Fields: Evaluating the Magnetic Properties of Materials

Authors Mohammad Ali Taheri, Firouz Payervand, Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Sara Torabi, Farid Semsarha
Publication date Apr 17, 2022
Journal Journal of Cosmointel
Volume cover_issue_5_en_US Vol. 1 No. 4
Pages 08 to 19
Publisher Cosmointel Inc.


The magnetization hysteresis loop provides crucial information about the magnetic properties of materials. In this study, by examining the magnetic properties of three paramagnetic and diamagnetic materi-als in the vicinity of Taheri Consciousness Fields (TCFs), three types 1,2, and 3, we have investigated the effects of TCFs in comparison with the magnetic fields. After being exposed to the three different TCFs, the magnetic properties of the materials have changed signif-icantly. Furthermore, the TCF1 of the present study (originally named T-Consciousness Bond Field)has changed the magnetic propertiesof materials toward their physically inherent state in the standard laboratory conditions. Objectively observing the conditions and the results, it can be concluded that TCFs are inherently neither electric nor magnetite fields and have entirely distinct effects on materials and their properties.

Keywords: Taheri Consciousness Fields, hysteresis loop, magnetic properties, physical fields


Citation:  Taheri, M. A., Payervand, F., Ahmadkhanlou, F., Torabi, S., & Semsarha, F. (2022). The Distinction of Taheri Consciousness Fields from Conventional Physical Fields: Evaluating the Magnetic Properties of Materials. Journal of Cosmointel1(4), 8–19. Retrieved from