

Introduction to & Sciencefact

Cosmointel Presentation at TSC 2022

T-Consciousness Cosmology Documentary

1- Inverse Cosmos (Documentary) - A Theory by Mohammad Ali Taheri

2- The Cosmic Black Hole - A Theory by Mohammad Ali Taheri

3- The Shell of The Cosmos - A Theory by Mohammad Ali Taheri

4- Dark Matter, Dark Energy & Space Viscosity - A Theory by Mohammad Ali Taheri

5A - Space and Gravity-Time - A Theory by Mohammad Ali Taheri (Part 1)

5B - Space and Gravity-Time - A Theory by Mohammad Ali Taheri (Part 2)

TSC 2020 Presentations

1- Evaluation of Depression, Anxiety & Headache in Migraine Patients Under Consciousness Fields

2- TSC 2020 - Effects of Faradarmani Consciousness Field on Triticum Aestivum under Salinity Stress

3- TSC 2020- Several Physical Systems Comply with Mohammad Ali Taheri's Theory of Mono-form Universe

4- TSC 2020 - Influence of the Consciousness Field on the Cement Properties and Behavior

5- TSC 2020 - Studying Practical Function of Creativity to Improve Learning Quality Using Spiritual Intelligence

6- TSC 2020 - Effect of Consciousness Fields on Meaning of Life, Personality & God Perception

7- TSC 2020 - Investigation of the Effectiveness of Consciousness Field on Women's Anxiety Reduction

8- TSC 2020 - Investigation of the Brain Electromagnetic Behavior during Faradarmani Connection

9- TSC 2020 - The Effect of Faradarmani Consciousness Field on the Survival of Breast Cancer cells

TSC 2022 Presentations

01- T-Consciousness Cosmology

02- Introducing the “Mental Body” in Matter

03- Behavior of Human Brain and Heart Rate under the Influence of Faradarmani T-Consciousness Field

04- The Effects of Faradarmani T-Consciousness Field on Alzheimer’s Disease

05- Effects of Faradarmani T-Consciousness Field on Bacterial Population Growth

06- Investigating the Effect of T-Consciousness Field on some Biological and Biomimetic Systems

07- Effects of T-Consciousness Fields on Survival and Behavior of Cancer Cell Lines

08- T-Consciousness Fields (TCFs) and Their Effects on SARS-CoV-2

09- Investigation of changes in the structure and behavior of materials under T-Consciousness Fields

10- Studies of the Effects of Faradarmani T-Consciousness Field on Different Types of Viruses

11- Effectiveness of T-Consciousness Fields & the theory of mind on borderline personality disorder

12- Comparison of the Definition of Intelligence in Psychology and Psymentology

13- The Word’s Unity of Existence