1- Brain and Cognitive Studies:
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on the brain electromagnetic behavior in a fara-therapist population.
- Investigation of the active points of the brain at the beginning, during, and at the end of Faradarmani Connection in a fara-therapist population.
- Investigation of the starting points of the brain activity during Faradarmani Connection and graph of the communication among different areas of the brain in a fara-therapist population.
- Investigation and analysis of all the above-mentioned points in a non-fara-therapist population (a control group).
- Comparison between the brain behavior at the beginning, during, and at the end of Faradarmani Connection in fara-therapists and non-fara-therapists population.
♦ Summary of the results (before publishing full text)
- Consciousness field intervention and its effect on fara-therapists and non-fara-therapists brain has been proven.
- Scientific evidences and measurements for evaluation of Faradarmani Connection in the brain level and its activities has been found, which smooth out its acceptance in the world of science, accordingly.
- There were found difference between the effect of consciousness field intervention on the brain level of fara-therapists and non-fara-therapists.
- Specific areas of the brain activate during Faradarmani Connection (wave change) which is an exceptional and special feature of this Connection and there is significant difference between these activities and the known cognitive activities of these area.
- A network and graph have been found from connection between several areas of the brain during Faradarmani Connection which exclusively belongs to this Connection.
- The activated areas of the brain during Faradarmani Connection has meaningful and plausible relation with general health and prevention of psychosomatic and neurologic disorders.
2- Cellular and Molecular Studies:
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on breast cancer cell line MCF7
- Investigation of the impact of distance on effectiveness of consciousness field (the same plates – different plates and the same incubator – different plates and different incubator) 3 tests with 3 times repetition.
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on brain cancer cell line glioblastoma U87.
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on cell culture medium containing cancer cells.
- Investigation of the effect of consciousness field on effectiveness of the cancer medication on cell line U87.
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field with 1 announcement and multiple announcements per hour on cell line U87.
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on fetal fibroblast primer cell (healthy cell).
- Investigation of the effect of consciousness field on ovarian cancer primer cell in Harvard University, USA.
- Investigation of the effect of consciousness field on kidney cancer primer cell in Harvard University, USA.
♦ Summary of the results (before publishing full text):
- Consciousness field intervention and its effect on healthy and cancer cells (totally 5 line and primer cell) has been proven and confirmed.
- Consciousness field intervention and its effect on genetic level and molecular changes on DNA level has been proven and confirmed.
- Consciousness field intervention on cancer cell line level was followed by increased cell proliferation.
- Consciousness field intervention on healthy cells was followed by increased and quality cell proliferation.
- Reputability of the result of consciousness field intervention is affected by the distance between the sample and the control.
- Consciousness field intervention result, available in this text, on various cellular level, culture medium and medications (chemicals) can be examined and analyzed.
- Consciousness field intervention on primer cancer cells was followed by decreased cell proliferation and entering the death phase (apoptosis) with more power than the strongest chemotherapy drugs.
3- Microbiology Studies:
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on growth of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in laboratory (collection).
- Investigation on bacteria primary population of the observed respond in the laboratory gram stains.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of Faradarmani consciousness field on positive and negative gram stains in laboratory.
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on growth of gram positive and negative bacteria (human pathogens) in hospital.
- Investigation on bacteria primary population of the observed respond in hospital stains.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of Faradarmani consciousness field on positive and negative gram stains (human pathogens) in hospitals.
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on antibiotic resistance behavioral changes (human pathogens) in hospital stain.
♦ Summary of the results (before publishing full text):
- Consciousness field intervention on the level of gram positive and gram-negative bacteria in laboratory and hospital has been proven and confirmed.
- Being a gram-positive or negative bacterium had no impact on responses to the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field.
- Differences in primary population in laboratory and hospital bacterial stains have no effect on responding to the consciousness field.
- The response to Faradarmani consciousness field in hospitals is less specific and less dependent to the bacterial stain.
- There are difference in bacterial stains responses in confronting with consciousness field. Analysis of the result should be based on the role and mechanism of the stain on ecosystem.
- Changes in the resistance of hospital bacterial stain in confronting with consciousness field occurs in different levels. Analysis of the change or no change will be able merely based on the position of the bacterial stain in ecosystem.
4- Botanical Studies:
A: Investigation of the effect of consciousness field on phenotype indicators (Phenotyping test):
- Phenotyping in conditions close to the ecosystem and natural climatic conditions.
- Phenotyping in laboratory culture environment and more controlled climatic conditions.
B: Investigation of the effect of consciousness field on genotype indicators of the phenotypic parameters specified in the previous step:
- Investigation of the effect of consciousness field on genotype indicators of atypical greenhouse plant (strawberries)’s growth and development parameters, investigating plants death, number and surface of the leaves, number of branches, number of fruits, flowering time and infection rate in the large plant population (120 pots) in approximately 3 months comparing sample and control group.
- Investigation of the effect of consciousness field on Arabidopsis Thaliana plant growth and development parameters in laboratory culture environment.
- Investigation of the distance, test placement pattern, temperature, and environmental parameters on repeatability of the botanical test results in above mentioned tests.
♦ Summary of the results (before publishing full text):
- Consciousness field intervention on phenotype indicators of plants growth and development in natural ecosystem conditions and laboratory culture environment has been proven and confirmed.
- Investigating changes in plants growth indicators, considering the roles of ecosystem impacts on plants, requires a considerable and huge population for the plants under study.
- Appearance indicators have slight and subtle changes, thus, sensitivity of the examination method of the changes is a highly important matter.
- Faradarmani consciousness field reduces the possibility of infection (disease) in plants under study in natural growth environment for about 73%.
- During one month study period, important indicators of growth and development in total population of sample and control, find balance in population about 120 unit within one month; which means parameters that exist in control group more than sample group in the first 10 days, in the second 10 days turns more in sample group, and finally in the third 10 days (end of first month) the indicators turns closer in total population of sample and control group.
- Changes in different units of sample population show different improvement rate in the increased indicators.
- Effectiveness of the repeated consciousness fields (once a day in month period) shows more impact on longitudinal growth of plant roots (geotropism) in lab culture environment in comparison with one-time only announcement (at the beginning of the experiment).
5- Microtubule Studies:
- Investigation of the effect of Faradarmani consciousness field on the accumulation and polymerization of microtubules under one-time announcement and multiple announcement conditions.
- Investigation of the effect of distance between wells and plates carrying tubulins on microtubules polymerization results.
- Investigation of the repeatability condition of consciousness fields experiment on tubulins and microtubules.
- Investigation of the different consciousness fields on polymerization of microtubules.
- Investigation of the similar conditions of the brain and cancer cell studies for result analysis of these two studies based on microtubules behaviors.
♦ Summary of the results (before publishing full text):
- Consciousness field intervention on tubulins and microtubules levels has been proven and confirmed.
- Effective parameters on observation of the consciousness field effects in microtubules level vary: 1. Plates distance 2. Wells distance 3. Simultaneity of the similar studies to compare the results.
- Faradarmani consciousness field has a positive and increasing impact on polymerization of microtubules according to their standards and normal conditions.
- Repeating consciousness field announcement has more impact on polymerization of the microtubules, in comparison with one-time only announcement.
6- Submitted articles on Arizona Congress 2020, USA, and the related activities:
Tuscan, Arizona holds one of the greatest assembling for consciousness studies every two years once. First and last participation of our organization on the congress is on 2016 for poster presentation. Following activities has been done by our team for the 2020 congress:
- Submission of two experimental standard research projects by research team in the field of brain and cells for oral and poster presentation.
- Preparation of the content for research website (cosmointel.com) to communicate with researchers in order to share papers, data and proposals and to guide them for their research projects.
- Finalizing data for another seven papers and submitting them to the congress for the poster presentation.
- Preparing eight posters and one power point for oral presentation on the congress.
- Forming a language specialized team to identify Interuniversal Mysticism keywords and to separate them from scientific words for more accurate translation of our contents.
- Preparing the primary manual draft for easier communication of the researchers with our organization and to learn about the basics.
- Preparing the primary draft for brochures and leaflets to present at the congress.
- Preparing proper FAQs for the executive team and for the research website.
- Training of a five-member scientific-executive team to present of at the congress.
7- Several other under study research projects (soon will be announced and published on this website).