An investigation of the effect of Faradarmani Consciousness Field on heart rate variability parameters

Authors Monireh-Sadat Mousavi, Mohammad Ali Taheri, Saeid Amjadian, Gholamhossein Riazi
Publication date May 9, 2022
Journal Journal of Cosmointel
Volume cover_issue_3_en_US Vol. 1 No. 2
Pages 56 to 74
Publisher Cosmointel Inc.


The Faradarmani ConsciousnessField (CF), acomplementary and alternative medicine (CAM), introduced by Mohammad Ali Taheri, is a novel qualitative field which is neither matter nor energy. This study was designed to investigate the effects of Faradarmani CF, on autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning. For this purpose, heart rate variability (HRV) and skin conductance (SC) indices were measured as reliable indicators of ANSchanges under the influence of Faradarmani CF. 50 random volunteers (23 females, 27 males; 23 to 77 years of age) take part in this double-blinded study. In order to record arest mode from the autonomic nervous system as abaseline, each recording was carried out 10-15 minutes after the arrival of the participant to the lab, at least 1hour after breakfast and before lunch (10 am – 12 noon). The data was recorded in two5-min sections under fixed environmental conditions.The first 5-min, which is considered abase situation, was recorded without Faradarmani CF. In the second 5-min, participants were under the influence of Faradarmani CF. To obtain HRV parameters, the heart rates (HR) data, derived from BVP signals, was analyzed by power spectral analyses, computed by the biofeed-backdevice (at the Medina Teb Company, Tehran) in both time and frequency domains. Finally, the HRVand SC data were analyzed bytwo-tailed statisti-calanalysis followed by Tukey post hoc test tocompare Faradarmani with baseline mode. Two types of variations, (1) increasing or (2) decreasing, were observed in the studied indices under the effect of Faradarmani CF.Two-tailed statis-ticalanalysis of each type exhibited major alterations inHRV parameters, not SC, compared to the baseline. Comparativeanalysis of the frequency and time domain of HRV showed more significant changes in the frequency domain (VLF: P1=0.0016, P2=0.0147; LF: P1<0.001, P2=0.008; HF: P1=0.0338, P2=0.0086; LF/HF: P1=0.0011, P2=0.0119) compared to the time domain (PNN50: P1=0.0464).According tothe results, not only Faradarmani has a significant effect on ANS functioning,but also it exerts different variations on HRV parameters indicating a kind of consciousness that considers one’s condition and need.

Keywords: Faradarmani; Taheri Consciousness Fields; Heart Rate Variability; Skin Conductance; Autonomic Nervous System


Citation: Mousavi, M.-S., Taheri, M. A., Amjadian, S., & Riazi, G. (2022). An investigation of the effect of Faradarmani Consciousness Field on heart rate variability parameters. Journal of Cosmointel1(2), 56–74. Retrieved from (Original work published April 16, 2022)