Investigating the Effect of the Consciousness Fields on the Behavior of Laser Light in Passing through an Aperture and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Observation

Authors Mohammad Ali Taheri, Firouz Payervand, Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Sara Torabi, Farid Semsarha
Publication date Apr 17, 2022
Journal Journal of Cosmointel
Volume cover_issue_5_en_US Vol. 1 No. 4
Pages 30 to 38
Publisher Cosmointel Inc.


Investigating the behavior of light in the vicinity of an aperture and observing Heisenberg’s uncertainty is a classic experiment in optics. Studies of Taheri Consciousness Fields (TCFs)include the study of different fields of phys-ics in the systems under study. By applying a TCF to the system under the study, changes in the behavior of the system as a function of the Field are observed. The present study was performed with two aims: (a) Investigation of the effect of TCFs on the pattern of the laser light diffraction through an aperture (in Fraunhofer diffraction patterns). (b) Investigation of the effect of TCFs on the behavior of light and observation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in these conditions. Applying TCFs to the laser light-independent of the set-up experiment did not affect the light behavior. On the other hand, applying TCFs to the set-up of the light-passing test through an aperture has a significant effect on the light behavior in passing through the aperture. In such a way, the uncertainty and diffraction width in the state of treatment with TCFs is reduced compared to the control. This behavior is interpreted as reducing the effect of the observer in optics studies, where the aperture has been considered equivalent to an observer. In other words, this change in the light behavior as a result of applying the TCFs can be considered a process of direct observation (without intermediaries) of the system under the study using the TCF. This study indicates the high potential of the effects of TCFs on the known laws of physics, as an innovative tool in science.

Keywords: Taheri Consciousness Fields; direct observation; Fraunhofer diffraction; Heisenberg’s uncertainty


Citation:  Taheri, M. A., Payervand, F., Ahmadkhanlou, F., Torabi, S., & Semsarha, F. (2022). Investigating the Effect of Taheri Consciousness Fields on the Behavior of the Laser Light in Passing through an Aperture and Observing the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Journal of Cosmointel1(4), 30–38. Retrieved from