Introduction to Consciousness

Introduction to Consciousness

  • General Principles and Fundamental Philosophy

The subject of “Consciousness”, is one of the most mysterious and amazing subjects before human. From this point of view, “Consciousness” is neither matter nor energy. Hence, Consciousness cannot be explained and recognized through physical concepts, equations, etc. Although Consciousness is a non-physical factor, it’s the basis of the formation and creation of the “World of Frequency” or “Energy-Matter”.

By planning and managing “Variable Force of Time”, “Consciousness” forms “Fundamental Vibration” and creates “Wave and Anti-wave”. By condensation of these waves simultaneously, “Matter and Anti-matter” and the reverse of these energies, “Dark Energies (hidden)” -which is another form of energy- is formed. In principle, the fundamental vibration can be called “Fundamental Motion”. This way, the material universe or our cosmos is made of motion; the motion that is caused by a “Fundamental Contradiction” (Duality of the general energies, regardless of energy and anti-energy in form of bright and dark energy, which is the creating factor of this fundamental contradiction). In other words, the key point behind the scenes of this cosmos is “Contradiction and Dipolarity” that is the basis for putting all the material elements (wave and anti-wave) in the form of duality, thus, creating motion and constituents of our cosmos. This plan also falls under the management of “Consciousness” to create the Dipolar World. In fact, this cosmos is only one of the infinite possibilities of the absolute knowledge and it’s considered only a small part of this manifestation. So, this cosmos is other than the independent parallel universes for which there is no technological pathway to them, and the only accessibility is through consciousness pathways.

Although, Consciousness is a qualitative field which is continuously in total oneness; it forms implementation of the fundamental qualitative affairs of the cosmos (or the main essence of designing the cosmos, such as: virtual-truth, relative-absolute, certain-uncertain, and nothingness-existence) in different levels and stages. Subsequently, quantitative and contradictory aspects the cosmos appears. These levels and stages (with total oneness) include:

  • High Super Consciousness
  • Super Consciousness
  • Consciousness (+ & -)
  • High Sub Consciousness
  • Sub Consciousness

Another important point is that “Consciousness” is not “Data and Information”; but data and information results from Consciousness and is the interface between consciousness and energy/matter. In other words, the material universe (cosmos) is formed under the influence of the Consciousness. The function of Consciousness is understandable only by studying the data and information resulting from research on the cosmos and its constituents. Furthermore, despite the function of “Consciousness” in different levels, it is in total oneness.

Note: Studying super consciousness, consciousness, and the way the life is managed and directed in this cosmos and other universes, shows a huge and inconceivable plan; so that, a small perception of this plan, unveils the secret of such a great design and its designer, and eventually leads to the perception of oneness with such a greatness (Sufism: Fana fi Azemah) and immerse the human being in eternal amazement.

  • Theoretical Proof of Consciousness Governing the Cosmos

Cosmic Consciousness Network

Here we want to study the Cosmic Consciousness Network or the consciousness governing the universe, theoretically; and to conclude this research with proof about consciousness governing the cosmos. Consequently, we start a discussion about the “Coin of Existence”:

In the material universe, existence of everything can be considered as a coin with two sides. One side to represent “Existential Reality” and the other side representing “Existential Truth”.

The existential reality of something indicates that it exists in form, it has taken place or happened or created without considering the cause of its occurrence. Existential reality is either observable or it affects the environment in other words it is recordable, storable and measurable to display some of its characteristics. For instance, the ‘being’ or ‘is-ness’ of a piece of stone is real and tangible regardless of our knowledge about how it has come to be or how it has been created, this is because it has come to existence or already exists. It is also possible that something has a reality, although we may not be able see or feel it. For example, although we can’t see or touch Infra-Red light, it has a reality. Nevertheless, we are able to measure Infra-Red light with the aid of some equipment and even exploit Infra-Red in practice.

Existential truth is connected to the reality of existence and it examines different aspects of the existential reality as follows:

  1. “Why”-ness of Being and “How”-ness of Occurrence

The existential truth about the cause of occurrence. For instance, why or how a piece of stone has been created? To why or how the universe has come into existence and what factors have caused these realities it to be as they are?

  1. The aim of Being and the hidden aspects of the existential reality

Any reality that exists, must have happened based on a plan and design. When one verifies those hidden aspects, one can come across the aim or purpose of the “being” of a particular reality (it’s “it-ness” or what it is) and study it. For instance, some fundamental questions one asks is “why” and “for what purpose” has a human being been created? What is the reasoning behind the creation of the universe?

  1. The Existential Quality of a Phenomenon

The quality of occurrence examines the quality of a reality and analyses it very closely according to a radix (or base). It also argues if a given reality truly exists in the outside world or is it merely an illusion? For example, the reflection (image) of an object on the mirror, does not have existential truth, because the image is virtual in respect to the object. However, the image has its own existential reality, since it comes to existence through the reflection of the object in the mirror.

Therefore, it is possible for an entity in the universe to have an existential reality, yet the entity does not have an existential truth. In contrast, an entity may have an unknown reality for us (reality yet to be undiscovered), however it has an existential truth, similar to the Infra-Red light that cannot be seen through our eyes and therefore is not real for us. However, because it is detectable using tools and through electrical devices, it has existential truth. Another example is the aura surrounding each human being which is not visible through the naked eyes, so it was considered to be unreal and taken as a superstition for many years. However, one can see the aura using Kirlian technology and photography now. Thus, the human aura does not have existential reality as it is not visible (through the naked eyes), yet it has existential truth, concluding that the existential truth studies the circumstance and quality of being of a subject or phenomenon.

Note: In this context, the material universe means our Cosmos and it includes all celestial bodies, space, visible and invisible energies, different frequencies and so on. The physical structure of the cosmos is vibration and frequency, for this reason it is called “Frequency World”.

Now, to know more about “Cosmic Consciousness Network” let’s take a closer look at the existential reality and truth of this cosmos. For this reason, we discuss about “Virtual World” next.

Virtual World

We bring an example to understand more about the meaning of “virtual” and “virtual world”.

Let us assume a blade, which spins around its middle axis as shown in (Figure 1-A).

Does the blade have existential reality in the still position?

The answer is yes, because this blade has occurred, so it’s real.

Now, if we make the blade spin rapidly around its middle axis (as in Figure 1-B), what we see is a cylinder. The diameter of the cylinder’s base is the blade’s diameter and cylinder’s height is the blade’s thickness. (Figure 2)

Now the question is: Is this cylinder real?

Yes, it is real because it is occurred. However, another question is: Is this cylinder also true in terms of its existence?

The answer is No, because the cylinder does not have external existence and once the blade stops moving, the cylinder disappears, and the blade remains in stillness. Therefore, the cylinder in this example is a virtual volume, which is created from the motion of the blade and although it is real when the blade moves, it doesn’t have existential truth.

Following through this pattern of observation, this opens the doorway to subsequent investigation and one is faced more questions such as:

  • Is the universe real, does the world around us have reality?

Surely following the earlier example, the answer would be definitely a “yes”, because we exist and we observe the world.

  • Does the universe also have existential truth?

To answer this question, we examine the structure of the universe very briefly, as far as it has been investigated until now.

As we know the universe is made of Matter and Energy.

First, we consider the Material part which includes the celestial bodies and we study their structure. These bodies are made up of molecules, and molecules consist of atoms. Atoms too, are made of elementary particles as well as their anti-particles. This manner continues until negative infinity inside the atom’s core, where no initiation point can be found nor does it have any ending.

Now we study an atom similar to the building block for the structure of the creation of the universe. To examine more precisely, we imagine an atom to be as the size of a football field, so the atom’s nucleus (in comparison to the size of the atom) would be as the size of a ball (Figure 3). When we observe this atom from a distance, it will look like a giant sphere. Now we can raise some questions such as:

  • What causes the form and the volume of this giant sphere? This volume results from movement of the electrons, which is called the “Electron cloud”.
  • Does this huge sphere have an existential reality?

Once again we realize that the answer is surely a “Yes” because the sphere has existence and is real.

  • However, does it have and existential truth?

Like the universe, as soon as the electrons stop moving, the volume which results from movement of the electrons disappears before our eyes in a second and only the nucleus as the size of a football remains. Therefore, we conclude that this volume does not exist in the outer world, but it is the result of motion and is therefore “Virtual” (For example: if the electrons throughout of body stop their motion, our physical body totally disappears and there remains the size of a pinhead which includes the collection of our body’s nucleus volume).

Now, we study the nucleus of an atom in the same way: as we know the nucleus of an atom consists of Protons and Neutrons. As you see in Figure 4, Proton spins around its axis. The Neutron also spins rapidly around the Proton, which spins in the opposite direction. Consequently, the spin of Neutron around Proton produces a disc: a virtual volume.

Now if Protons and Neutrons stop spinning, this volume also disappears and from the whole atom in which its volume is considerably less than before, just the elementary particles is all that is left.

In this manner, if we continue to penetrate the particles inside the nucleus and stop them from moving in different levels, we will see the volumes created by these particles, disappear one after the other without a trail. To sum up, a collection of infinite elementary motions form the nucleus of an atom causing the atoms form a molecule and from molecules the material part of the universe is formed.

From this and according to our findings we can say without doubt:

The material universe is made from “motion”

We can also reach the same conclusion from another perspective:

In modern Physics, Matter is defined as a dense wave, and wave in turn is considered as motion. Thus, the whole material universe (whether matter or energy) has been made from waves. As mentioned previously, a wave in itself is caused by “motion”. After this brief and simple explanation, now we can reply the question “Whether the universe has existential truth or not?”

The answer is, since the material universe has been created from motion, all its different manifestations are the result of motion, and as mentioned previously, all the manifestations of motion is virtual; therefore, the material universe is virtual and lacks existential truth. It may be argued that the major part of this cosmos is made up of dark matter and energy, and merely considering the bright matter and energy is not the definitive determinant. But, the existence of the bright matter and energy is the result of the existence of dark side, and these two poles are dependent to one another. So that the Dipolar World can exist, based on the motion that is the result of contradiction. Thus, if it’s proven that the bright side of the cosmos is virtual, the dark side must be virtual as well; even though it forms approximately 95% of the total mass.

With understanding that the material universe has been created from motion, we consider asking another question:

  • Which prime factor has given direction to these infinite motions in the universe in such a manner that in the midst of all these innumerable motions, a completely harmonized and purposeful system has been manifested?

The answer is the only cause which is able to direct the infinite existing motions so purposefully is an intelligent and conscious cause; this conscious cause is capable of deciding and directing exact direction and manner of each motion in order to finally create such a purposeful, harmonious and self-evidential system.

Matter and Energy, in other words, form the basis of the universe and these are made of Intelligence, Awareness or Consciousness. From this deduction we can derive that:

The material universe is created from “Consciousness”

  • Principle: The material universe is made of motion and its various effects are due to motion. And because the effects and manifestations of motion are virtual, the material universe is virtual as well. Also because every movement needs a stimulus and directing factor, therefore we call this factor the intelligence and consciousness governing the universe, or the Cosmic Consciousness Network.

Hence, the universe is just a virtual reflection (image) of another truth, which in essence has been created from Consciousness, and there are 3 main elements in material universe, these include: matter, energy and consciousness, as shown the diagram below (Figure 5).


In fact, without Consciousness:

  1. Assuming their existence, Matter and Energy couldn’t have a purposeful role in cosmos.
  2. Human also cannot use matter and energy. Because, without consciousness and information human can’t use them purposefully.

Therefore, we can conclude that the main structure of the material universe is Consciousness, which matter and energy is formed from this factor. Although, at any moment, all these elements are present in cosmos; however Consciousness has the main role which is formation and giving direction to the other elements of cosmos. Besides, while each of these factors can convert to each other (conversion of mater and energy to consciousness is a complicated topic which is beyond the scope of this discussion, and we intend to discuss it separately), they have a dual role so that the cosmos can have a purposeful motion based on the planned contradiction (motion and existence is going on with a different concept in heterogeneous parallel universes, which is beyond the perception of our current mindset).

Important note: Relation between Consciousness and principle of mass conversion

Considering above figure (Figure-5) and the hypothesis of possibility of conversion of consciousness to matter and energy and vice versa, the principle of mass conversion in cosmos is affected and inevitably it leads us to new perspectives.

  • Other Reasons to Theoretically Prove the Virtual Nature of the Cosmos

So far, we have concluded the material universe is virtual as the reflection in the mirror or is perceived as the volume, which results from motion of the blade in Figure 1, therefore the material universe does not exist (does not have existential reality) in outer world.  But, the virtual nature of the universe is theoretically provable from different perspectives as well. In this regard, in the following discussion, we will study more reasons for this proof:

The World’s Visual Image Based on the Velocity of The Observer

In order to understand better how one views or perceives the world, let’s consider an observer who is moving within a space and at a certain speed. As we know, when one gets closer to, or moves away from a sound or light source, the frequency and wavelength of the sound/light changes.

For example, by getting closer to a sound source, the wavelength of the sound gets compressed and becomes shorter; therefore, the frequency of the sound increases. As a result, the perceived sound is at a higher pitch (Figure-7).

Figure- 7

In contrast, by getting farther from the source, the wavelength becomes decompressed and longer (Figure-8), the frequency decreases so we hear a lower pitched sound or bass (Doppler Effect).

Figure- 8

The same applies to a light source. By getting closer toward or farther from the light source, there will be a frequency change therefore the color of the light and its appearance changes.

According to the above mentioned points what we see and hear are completely relative and uncertain.

The World’s Visual Image Based on the Velocity of The Observer at High Speeds

Now let’s study different observers’ perspective based on their speed. It is apparent that as the observer speeds up, the view ahead of him changes, therefore in a given velocity the cosmos is perceived as a certain visual image by the observer, and the cosmos will appear differently to when one moves at a different velocity.

At the moment, we perceive the world’s visual image the way it is because we are moving through space with a near constant velocity. Given that planet Earth is a part of the Solar system and is revolving with a near constant velocity around itself and around the sun. The Solar system in turn is located at one of the arms of the Milky Way galaxy and is also revolving around with a certain velocity. This galaxy itself is rotating in space with a certain velocity around another center. After all, our perceived view (in regards to appearance and different color ranges) is based on the ultimate velocity of our movement within space. If we were to live in another galaxy, we would possibly see different color ranges and appearance of the world.

In addition, at significantly higher velocities, the view that the observer perceives is considerably different from what we see at the present moment. At the moment we see our surroundings very easily however as the velocity of our movement increases, the angle of the scenery in front of us narrows (Figure-9), in a way that assuming if we could travel at the speed of light, (in theory) as an observer all that we could see would be a tiny hole-like “opening” before our eyes, nothing else! The reasoning behind such theory is that by the time the light (which is emerging from the side sceneries) reaches the point we are now, we have already moved past that point. Therefore the light would never get a chance to reach our eyes thus our surrounding could never been observed. Moreover, the frequency of the “opening” would reach the infinity point and will not be clear what could be observed through such a hole and how the world would seem through our eyes (Regardless of the level of how condensed the wave is, matter will form, thus transforming the condensed wave to matter at a velocity high enough to create a barrier in front of us which is impossible to pass through).

Figure- 9

Point-like universe: an observer who moves at the speed of light, can only see a hole before his/her eyes and the universe becomes two-dimensional; which means a line with infinite length that is formed from just one point. Thus, the dimensions of the cosmos is also changeable.

Note: imagine a couple are traveling at the speed of light hand in hand together; although they hold each other’s hand, they will never be able to see each other.


Figure- 10

At about half the speed of light, world’s visual image will be like a fragment of a sphere.

In other words, an observer who travels at the speed of light sees the world as just a “hole” with an infinite frequency. Based on his perspective, this would be the reality of the world. If such an observer has never seen the reality of our present world before, then one definitely couldn’t perceive or even imagine how the world looks like as we are able to see – in fact one would not be able to conceive any other reality except for the world as a “hole”. As you can see in (Figure 11), when the observer looks at the right-hand side and observes the star R’ – in fact star R’ is situated in R position. Therefore, the observer faces two different visual fields, one is the real visual field (FE), and other is the true visual field (AB):

  1. Real Visual Field Angle is the angle that the observer practically observes in front of the observer in respect to the observed object.
  2. True Visual Field Angle is the angle that the actual true location of the object forms relative to the observer.

Now, as the observer moves faster, the visual field angle AB and EF decreases, in such a way that at the speed of light, nothing is observable backwards and the compressed wave with infinite frequency appears as forward in front of the observer.

Figure- 11

Therefore, the wavelength of energy (light) in very high velocities gets so condensed that it creates a compressed wave in front of the observer forming a barrier (which is essentially Matter) in front of one. In this particular condition the world becomes very solid or dense and regardless of which direction one intends to move, a condensed wall will block one’s way. Therefore the world can be considered as both finite and infinite. As soon as the observer hits this barrier and ceases to move, the frequency in front of one will subside, and it will transform (from the condensed form of Matter) into a non-condensed form of wave and once again, as the observer speeds up, everything repeats.


  1. The human’s velocity in the space cannot go further a certain limit.
  2. It is impossible to travel continuously in space at velocities within this magnitude.

In conclusion, the universe has an infinite number of appearances, and each observer sees it in a certain way depending on their velocity in the space. So it is possible that other realities exist that we cannot even imagine or dream of.

Does the universe possess a main distinctive appearance then? Or do all beings see it the same way?

Based on the above mentioned points, the material universe does not have one steady or main appearance. Its outlook depends on the speed of the observer and as the observer can have countless different velocities, potentially there are infinite possible appearances of the material world for each observer.

The World’s Visual Image Based on the Observer’s Eye Frequency

Each observer looks at the world with their own perspective. The eyes of each observer has a particular frequency which indicates the number of frames per second that they are capable of receiving and interpreting. All human eyes appear to be most sensitive to frequency of 24; it means when 24 frames pass before our eyes in one second, we see them as ‘continuous’. If the frequency of the frames is less than 24, the scenery before us seems interrupted and ‘non-continuous’ (this is the basis of the invention of cinema) and by increasing the frequency of the frames, the scenery seems to move abnormally fast. Eventually at higher speeds, frames would become unrecognizable.

Therefore, when human eyes see the world in this form and appearance, it is due to the frequency of one’s eyes and if when the frequency changes, the scenery of the world appears differently.

The scenery of which an eagle sees with an eye frequency of 20,000 is entirely different from what a human sees. An eagle can track the movement of a mosquito with full concentration in every second whereas human is not able to do such a thing. This eagle would see the rain as “drop by drop”, while we observe it falling as linear. Another example is the snail with eye frequency of 5; whatever a snail actually sees at such a frequency would be very strange and bizarre. For instance when we are moving, the snail sees a trail of several meters long behind us (Figure -12). Only when one stops completely does the snail see a person’s shape. If the snail were to see a mosquito flying past, then it would see a very long random trail.

Figure- 12

Now, what would happen if the human eye frequency were infinite? Whatever appears before an observer’s sight is the result of continuity of the frames. If the frequency of the observer’s eyes increases, the continuity of the scenery before his eyes diminishes to such an extent that if the eyes had an infinite frequency, the continuity would completely disappear. In such circumstances the observer would actually see ‘nothing’. This is because the electron movements and different frequencies are perceived as static and still. Since the electrons and the elementary atomic particles are formed from spinning and continuity, the scenery of the world would disappear from the observer’s sight as the frequency of the eyes gradually increases toward infinity.

So, in view of the observer’s eye frequency, the world has again countless views and depending on the magnitude of this frequency, it can appear in a particular way, and does not possess a certain outlook and is therefore essentially virtual.

In conclusion, the material universe does not possess a definite view and appearance, and each observer perceives it according to their velocity in space and his eye’s frequency. Every eye is designed in a way to reflect the world as a particular Figure to its owner, so it merely conveys a virtual Figure to the observer resulting from the spinning of the (atomic) particles.

The World’s Visual Image Based on the Observer’s Perceptual Threshold

Each observer depending on the physical perceptual threshold sees the world in a different way. For instance, the snakes’ eyesight is completely different from humans because the threshold of perception of a snake is different from humans.

For example, snakes can see Infra-Red light therefore they have very accurate eyesight at the night, day or night does not make a real difference to them (Figure-13). They are also capable of seeing the temperature of objects and living creatures; therefore, their perception of the world, is different from what we are familiar with and know of. Now let us imagine snakes were to express their view about the world and describe what they perceive. It would surely be very different in comparison to our view and we would strongly disagree with each other; without being able to know which report is more accurate and complete.

Figure- 13

A bat views the world as a confined Sonographic map. It can only see up to a limited distance, proportional to the scope of its vocal sound waves. It is obvious that the bat’s visual image of the world is not comparable at all with the scenery which humans perceive. Bat’s ultra sound radar system can cover a limited amount of information on the territory. Therefore, it’s impossible to compare bat’s perception with ours, because the bat can only see a limited range covered by its radar system. Thus, from bat’s perspective the universe has a limited bound.

The Appearance of the Physical World in Regard to Speed of Light

When we look in the sky at night, we see a beautiful view in front of us. We see many stars overwhelming us with their magnificence. Is this scenery before our eyes true or is it virtual?

The answer is what we observe at that moment, is the virtual image of something that used to exist in this position in the past. None of the stars we observe are actually located in the position that we see them now, this implies to the nearest star which is the sun, to all other stars and galaxies belonging to several billion years ago (Figure-14).

For instance, what we observe as the sun, it is actually as the sun was 8 minutes ago. If we see an object one meter away from us this image belongs to 0.33×10-8 seconds ago. Therefore all that we see is virtual perceptions, and the speed of light is the factor causing this, in fact all we see is no more than an illusion. Whilst, the same factor forms the “photonic memory of cosmos” in which all the events of the cosmos will be stored.

Figure- 14

Thereupon, we cannot rely on our observations in this sense, and whatever we know and have perceived as the world is essentially virtual.

The World’s Visual Image in Regards to Curvature of Space

As we know, the straight line is curved in space and each moving object is travelling through an orbit in space. In other words, space is spherical and layered. Each mobile object that wants to have a free movement in space must be located in one of these layers and travel along this orbit. But, if it intends to change the curvature’s direction, it must use energy. Now, if an observer were to look into the sky through a telescope with infinite power (with unlimited light collection power):

1: The maximum visible distance would be limited to the radius of a giant circle and the world would look like (Figure-15), confined to this circle.

2: Secondly, as one observes farther and farther, instead of seeing the front of an object, one sees the lateral of the object, up to the point at the maximum viewable distance, instead of seeing the surface the object, one would see its back.

Figure- 15

The World’s Visual Image in Regards to Curvature of Space

When we look in the sky at daytime, we see the blue sky overhead. But, is the sky really blue?

Today, we know that the sky looks blue merely because of the reflection of light in atmosphere. In fact, the sky is not blue whatsoever. Or the rainbow, with all the beauty, is just a virtual image due to the light refraction in atmosphere.

Light refraction creates virtual and illusionary images and cause the virtual perspectives before our eyes. In this regard, light refraction causes the virtual perception of the object’s location in the space, because of several reasons including passing by celestial bodies and twists and turns of the spaces due to gravity of celestial bodies (Figure-16).

Figure- 16

The denser the energy, the more the fabric of spacetime tends toward it. In a way that under a certain amount of wave compression (it turns to matter), curvature of the spacetime grid turns into a circle so that even the light can’t get away from its gravity (Schwarzschild radius). In other words, in such a condition, bending of light reaches to a level that its direction turns to a circle. Thus, the ray of light is not able to escape from curvature of spacetime (Figure-17). So, the spacetime grids around the black hole bends so much and the spacetime curvature determines the direction of light.

Figure- 17

Therefore, based on this phenomenon and the fact that ray of light should pass the twists caused by the gravity of massive objects (celestial bodies), it’s impossible to understand the source of light, and the exact location where it’s formed and has begun its travel from. For instance:

In fugure-18, the true location of the observed object is location A. However, due to traveling of the objects light around a celestial body, the observer sees it at location B which is a virtual location.

Figure- 18

In conclusion, what we see in the space, are the rays of light which has traveled countless twists and curvatures without an exact origin and source, and what we see is absolutely virtual.

The Virtual Images in Regards to Gravitational Lensing

In regard to above mentioned points, one of the virtual images that can be seen in the cosmos is the gravitational lenses, which is formed due to the bending of light (refraction) when it passes by the celestial bodies (Figure-19). In this case, light bends due to the object’s gravity and creates a gravitational lensing. This phenomenon forms extraordinary images which are virtual.

Figure- 19

Figure-20 shows an example of the beautiful virtual image formed as a result of gravitational lensing, which, in fact, is not externally exist.

Figure- 20

Conclusion on Virtual Universe

In conclusion, regardless of what angle we see the cosmos, it is virtual. Whilst the cosmos has infinite number of visual images. Because, each observer sees cosmos from a unique perspective. In this regard, if we ask: Which creature sees the original view of the universe? The only answer is:

The cosmos doesn’t have one original visual image and each observer based on its physical perceptual threshold, sees the cosmos differently. Therefore, each observer sees the universe from its unique perception, and the cosmos looks different for each observer. In addition, a person with congenital blindness has different idea about the universe than a person   with vision, as a deaf-mute born person has a different perspective of the universe.

This phenomenon “variety of cosmos visual images according to the number of creatures” applies to everything: from a micro-organism to the largest living creature. In this regard, the universe has infinite number of images for just a single scenery, and each observer sees it differently in accordance with its sensory tools. While, none of these views are true.

In fact, this universe is an illusion and each illusion is embedded inside an infinite number of other illusions. Looking at every angle and studying it from different perspectives, we notice that the universe is virtual. From this point of view, because the universe is make of motion, if the motion stops, all the manifestations will disappear. Therefore, the cosmos is a virtual manifestation with no existential truth; and all the manifestations of cosmos is from creation of wave which is formed from Consciousness: