We are proud to announce that the Scientific Journal of Cosmointel (in both Farsi and English languages), in line with its professionalization, improvement of the quality of its global presentation, adherence to copyright laws and protection of intellectual property of the scientific research of the School of Erfan Halqeh which is performed through the Cosmointel Research Institute, has received the following from reputable international bodies:
1- ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
This eight-digit number serves to uniquely identify and differentiate each scientific journal, much like a formal identification number issued by government institutions like the national libraries of different countries. The Scientific Journal of Cosmointel has successfully obtained two separate ISSN numbers (for Farsi and English language journals) from the National Library and Archives of Canada, which are listed on the journal’s website. Henceforth, these codes will be displayed on the cover of each publication and as a barcode on the back cover.
Note-2: Therefore, issues without an ISSN are no longer considered valid.
2- DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
This string of identifiers serves as unique and permanent identification numbers for each article used in scientific journals. By securing official membership in one of the world’s most reputable DOI-issuing agencies (Crossref), the Scientific Journal of Cosmointel has been granted permission to issue DOIs for each article (separately for English and Farsi journals). Consequently, all articles and products on the Scientific Journal of Cosmointel website have been equipped with their respective DOIs (see the archive section). The major benefits of these DOIs are:
- Uniqueness of each article: These codes are used to identify and differentiate each article from other articles.
- Displaying articles in international scientific databases: These codes facilitate the search and access to articles in scientific databases.
- Standard referencing to scientific articles: These codes make citing scientific articles easier and more specialized.
It is noteworthy that these achievements reflect the Scientific Journal of Cosmointel’s ongoing efforts to provide quality and trustworthy scientific content to academic communities. These official codes will henceforth be used in all our publications and articles. We hope our esteemed readers will make use of them in their citations and bibliographies. In conclusion, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all the contributors of the Scientific Journal of Cosmointel, researchers of Cosmointel Research Institute, editorial and translation teams, etc. for their efforts, which will have lasting impacts on the history of science.
Founder of the School of Erfan Keyhani Halqeh and the Cosmointel Research Institute and the Scientific Journal of Cosmointel: Mohammad Ali Taheri
Toronto: September 17, 2023