Influence of Faradarmani Consciousness Field on Antibiotics Resistance in Bacteria

Authors Mohammad Ali Taheri, Gholamreza Zarrini, Sara Torabi, Noushin Nabavi, Mehrnoush Taherkhani , Farid Semsarha
Publication date Apr 16, 2022
Journal Journal of Cosmointel
Volume cover_issue_4_en_US Vol. 1 No. 3
Pages 22 to 29
Publisher Cosmointel Inc.


The development of antibiotics resistance arising from antibiotic over-treat-ment is the major challenge in eliminating harmful bacteria and is associated with grave financial and human consequences worldwide. The contraction of resistant bacteria from hospitals is a key concern and many scientific re-search fields are aiming to develop strategies that prevent bacterial resist-ance to antibiotics. Taheri Consciousness Fields, as novel Fields, were found-ed and introduced by Mohammad Ali Taheri. These Fields are neither matter nor energy, therefore cannot be measured directly. But it is possible to study their effects on objects through controlled experiments. After investigating the effect of Faradarmani Consciousness Field on bacterial populations in a previous study, we aimed to investigate the effect of Faradarmani CF on antibiotic resistance of bacteria in identified hospital strains. As confirmed by disk diffusion and MIC methods, we found that resistance in the bacteri-al populations was altered. Specifically, P.aeruginosa, E.coli, B.subtilis, K.pneu-moniae, A.bummani, and S.aureus strains showed a decrease in antibiotics resistance while S.aureus and P.aeruginosa strains showed a decrease in antibiotics resist-ance while S.aureus and P.aeruginosa strains showed an increase in resistance to antibiotics. Based on the results, Faradarmani CF has the ability to affect antibiotics resistance response in resistant populations. We suggest this observation requires further attention. In the event the obser-vations can be replicated by other researchers, Faradarmani CF could be considered an effective solution to this global issue.

Keywords: Antibiotics resistance, Taheri Consciousness Field, Disk diffusion method, Faradarmani, MIC method


Citation: Taheri, M. A., Zarrini, G., Torabi, S., Nabavi, N., Taherkhani , M. ., & Semsarha, F. (2022). Influence of Faradarmani Consciousness Field on Antibiotics Resistance in Bacteria. Journal of Cosmointel1(3), 22–29. Retrieved from