Authors | Mehri Sheykho, Mohammad Ali Taheri |
Publication date | Apr 17, 2022 |
Journal | Journal of Cosmointel |
Volume |
![]() |
Pages | 24 to 32 |
Publisher | Cosmointel Inc. |
Every particle in the universe is influenced by different fields, such as gravita-tional field, electromagnetic field, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force. According to the theory of Mohammad Ali Taheri, the founder of two complemen-tary medicines, Faradarmani & Psymentology, there is another field with an im-material and non-energetic nature, different from known physical fields, which is called Taheri Consciousness Fields (TCFs). These Fields can be currently exam-ined only through empirical methods. One of the results of the application of TCFs is the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in human beings. Borderline personality disorder is a multidimensional disorder characterized by numerous deficiencies in interpersonal relationships, self-concept, and cognitive functions. This study aimed to investigate the possibility of reducing borderline personali-ty disorder by being exposed to the TCFs. The present research method is qua-si-experimental, including two control and experimental groups, and the pre-test scores are controlled during the analysis process. The statistical population was selected from clients with borderline personality disorder who visited one of the psychological clinics in Tehran’s District 5 in 2019. The statistical sample included 28 females diagnosed with borderline personality disorder using the Borderline Personality Questionnaire (STB). Selecting the sample was random, and they were assigned to the control and experimental groups. In this study, the experimental group included patients who were exposed to the TCFs for 60 minutes. In order to determine the effects of this treatment, the ANCOVA test with the pre-test control was used. The results demonstrated that 27% of the variance between the two groups was due to the effects of TCFs. Therefore, the main hypothesis of the research is confirmed. The MANCOVA test was also used to explore the sub-hy-potheses. There was a significant difference between the two groups in the de-pendent variables and the effects of treatment were 32%, and also the statistical power indicated the sample size was relatively adequate. According to the results, the effect of TCFs in reducing disappointment, impulsivity, and Dissociative iden-tity disorder/paranoia was 25% and 14%, respectively. Therefore, sub-hypotheses number 1 and 2 were confirmed, and sub-hypothesis number 3 about the effects on the Dissociative identity disorder/paranoia was rejected.
Keywords: Taheri Consciousness Fields, Faradarmani, Psymentology, Borderline Disorder
Citation: Sheykho, M., & Taheri, M. A. (2022). Evaluation of the Effect of Taheri Consciousness Fields on Reducing Borderline Personality Disorders in Patients Visiting Psychology Clinic in the Capital of Iran. Journal of Cosmointel, 1(5), 24–32. Retrieved from