Effect of the Faradarmani consciousness field on the susceptibility of antibiotic-resistant human pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Authors Mohammad Ali Taheri, Laleh Amani, Ahmad Khalili, Noushin Nabavi, Hossein Keyvani
Publication date Apr 16, 2022
Journal Journal of Cosmointel
Volume cover_issue_4_en_US Vol. 1 No. 3
Pages 36 to 42
Publisher Cosmointel Inc.


Faradarmani Consciousness Field is one of the several Taheri Consciousness Fields (TCFs) were introduced by Mohammad Ali Taheri. TCFs do not possess a quantity so we cannot directly measure them. However, it is possible to evaluate their ef fects indirectly through experimental evidence in the laboratory. Th e resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is a global challenge because the number of b acterial strains resistant to antibiotics has expanded yearly and has spread worldwide. It seems that novel approaches are needed to solve this problem. In this study, the effect of Faradarmani CF on the susceptibility of antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a human bacterial pathogen was evaluated. Antibiotic susceptibility in the presence and absence of Faradarmani CF was assessed via the antimicrobial disk diffusion method. Afterward, it was used from real-time RT-PCR for evaluation of the expression level of the MexA, MexB, and OprM genes of P. a eruginosa st rain overexpressing the MexAB–OprM efflux pump. According to the results of the disk diffusion test, Faradarmani CF decreased resistance to antibiotics in P. aeruginosa significantly (p<0.05). The RNA expression level of MexB and OprM genes was decreased in the Faradarmani tr eatment group compared with the control group (p<0.05). The RNA expression level of MexA decreased, but it was not significant (p>0.05). We showed that the drug resistance of P. aeruginosa decreased under the influence of Faradarmani CF, and it can be examined in P. aeruginosa infections in vivo and in clinical studies. In addition, it is recommended that the effects of T-Consciousness Fields on other drug-resistant pathogens be investigated.

Keywords: Faradarmani, Taheri Consciousness Field, Cosmic Consciousness Network, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Antibiotic- resistant


Citation: Taheri, M. A., Amani, L., Khalili, A., Nabavi, N., & Keyvani, H. (2022). Effect of the Faradarmani Consciousness Field on the susceptibility of antibiotic-resistant human pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Cosmointel1(3), 36–42. Retrieved from https://journalofcosmointel.com/index.php/journalofcosmointel/article/view/25