Authors | Mohammad Ali Taheri, Laleh Amani, Noushin Nabavi, Ali Zaman Vaziri, Ahmad Khalili |
Publication date | Apr 17, 2022 |
Journal | Journal of Cosmointel |
Volume |
![]() |
Pages | 38 to 44 |
Publisher | Cosmointel Inc. |
Taheri Consciousness (T-Consciousness) was introduced and de-fined by Mohammad Ali Taheri as one of the constituent components of the Cosmos in addition to matter and energy, from which Taheri Consciousness Fields (TCFs) are derived. TCFs are not matter or en-ergy, but they can be proven by scientific experiments. The effect of Faradarmani CF, as one of TCFs, was examined in this study. Tel-omerase is an important enzyme, which adds DNA sequence repeats to the ends of chromosomes, thus prevents from their shortening. Telomerase activity is associated with cell proliferation, organism growth, and aging. This study aimed to study proliferation, telomer-ase activity, and telomere length in the Faradarmani CF treated mes-enchymal stem cells (MSCs). Human MSCs were isolated from bone marrow and the morphology, proliferation of cells, length of telomere, and activity of telomerase were evaluated in Faradarmani CF treat-ment and control groups. The results showed that Faradarmani CF significantly increased the proliferation, length of telomere, and ac-tivity of telomerase in hMSCs compared with the control group (p <0.05). Considering the effects of Faradarmani on telomere length and telomerase activity, which are two important factors for cures of several age-related diseases, it is recommended that more exper-iments be performed in this regard to clarify the effect of TCFs on aging.
Keywords: Taheri Consciousness Fields, Faradarmani Consciousness Field, telomerase activity, telomere length, mes-enchymal stem cells
Citation: Taheri, M. A., Amani, L., Nabavi, N., Vaziri, A. Z., & Khalili, A. (2022). Effect of Faradarmani Consciousness Field on proliferation, telomerase activity, and telomere length of the human mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of Cosmointel, 1(6), 38–44. Retrieved from