Classification of Disorders as Approached by Psymentology

AuthorsMohammad Ali Taheri, Amin Bayyazi
Publication date2013
JournalProcedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
Abstract “Interuniversalism” or “Interuniversalist perspective” is a totally holistic way of viewing the human being. In this perspective man is not considered just as a pile of flesh and bones, but as vast as the world of existence. Within this perspective, the aspects of human dimensions are viewed as countless, comprised of various counts of software & hardware fragments. According to Psymentology and its Interuniversalist approach, illness is defined as any disorder, obstruction, impairment and imbalance in any of the infinite elements and components of an individual. Accordingly, an exact diagnosis, made by a human being, would be out of question. Therefore only an intelligent system with thorough competence, via a precise scanning, could diagnose and cure any defected part. Such a superb conscious grid, known as “Interuniversal Consciousness” is being used in Psymentology. According to Psymentology, disorders are classified into physical, psychological, psychosomatic, mental, mentosomatic, Body-Mind-Psyche disorders, and so on.
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